Today I woke up thinking about forgiveness and how I have struggled with it. I believe we all struggle with it from time to time. We as women face challenges every day with unapologetic offenses that make us cringe. The smaller offenses we can wave off in a few days, but what about offenses that seems to bind our soul. Are these or should these be forgivable? An offense, whether small or large, wounds the soul in some fashion. These offenses eat away at our whole self on a daily basis. Well, that is, if you allow it. It is up to us not to be easily offended, but to forgive easily. Of course, this takes practice. (An abundance of practice). The power of forgiveness is not being weak minded or invaluable, this is showing spiritual maturity. If you forgive readily, you take your power back. Allowing someone to offend you opens the door not only to strife but also to bitterness and anger. These two evils only break down your body and leave your spirit uneasy. I have found forgiveness releases the burdens that I used to carry for so many years. It also unintentionally built walls around my heart, stopping others without offense to become close to me. Honestly, I decided to practice the art of forgiveness on a daily basis. My constant prayer is farther, I forgive so that I can be free. This works for me, but I urge you to find your own practice of forgiveness. I guarantee the freedom you feel once you forgive is amazing! Your mind feels better, your body feels better, and most of all your soul is free. Free from offenses of the offender. Therefore, my friend, forgive so that you can be free.
Forgiveness what a powerful journey... Lets do this together so we all can be free.
Until next time my friends.. be continued..
Valerie Lynn xoxoxo..
Forgiveness what a powerful journey... Lets do this together so we all can be free.
Until next time my friends.. be continued..
Valerie Lynn xoxoxo..