Just sitting here thinking about how life has continued to throw bricks into my life, yet I have stood. A little broken, yes, but I have stood as tall as I could despite my obstacles. I believe we all endure trials for a reason. For the most part we may not understand why, but knowing that living means not dying gives you or gives me hope. Sure there are days I fight to get out of bed in the morning, but when I do I find that at the end of the day the reason that I actually got out the bed is because I want to live, my spirit wants to live, my soul wants to heal and most of all, I want to give someone …somewhere the hope to continue to live. This week my little Zora Lynn would have been 9 years old. Wow. Time has surely flown by. It is amazing to look at me now compared to where I was. A new friend came into my life recently and we had a heart to heart about the loss of my child. She confided in me that someone very close to her is going through the same thing. She also said .. “I keep telling her God is with you”.. I told this new friend that yes God is with her, but at this time, she cannot hear him. I was there. I couldn’t hear God telling me all things will work together for the good. I was completely dead inside. Dead inside, but walking around as though I was OK …I showed her a picture of me when I first loss my child. She was shocked at the deadness in my eyes because now …today I can smile and even laugh at the journey I have overcome. Today I honor Zora Lynn, by living.. Simply living…
I would love for you to join me in LIVING…. Make a choice to live, Find the courage and strength to get up each day and my friend just live…. You can do it and I promise it will be so worth it.
Love you all…
Valerie Lynn