Slowly I began the healing process. Slowly, I began to hear GOD again. Sometimes when you are in the battle for your life, GODS voice becomes silent. Only when you quiet your mind can you truly hear His promptings. This was a beautiful feeling. I had begun to realize I was not alone in this battle for my life after all. God was walking right beside me all along, but my pain blocked all HIS revelations. Day by day, I began this journey of a newer self-discovery. I was desperate to find my true self again. The self that currently existed was tired, depressed, and alone. Have you ever heard of the saying “sick and tired of being sick and tired”? Well that is exactly how I felt. I was tired of not living. The burden I was carrying was too much for me to carry on my own. I continued to work on the healing process and believe me it was much harder than I could ever imagine. However, I was determined to put the effort into LIVING. I discovered the practice of LIVING would begin to take me on a unique journey. #helpinghealhearts
To be continued my friends
To be continued my friends