This morning I was hit with an overwhelming sense of despair as well as anxiety. All the thoughts of you should have achieved that dream years ago, you should have accomplished that goal years ago, and how did you allow your life to become this way. Yes all of those bombarding thoughts of why is your life even worth living now. Oh yes, the big ones hit me all at once. I got up, made me a big bowl of comfort food, and you know it wasn’t a salad (Lord knows I need it). However, I digress.
In that moment all I wanted was something to make me feel good and for me that was my big bowl of yummy goodness. I finished and of course felt guilty…But something else came over me. The words, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Those words filled my soul, they filled my spirit and I cried. Cried tears of relief and tears of dare I say it, happiness. Isn’t it strange how tears come in all forms? They show up when you’re happy, sad, or just simply board. Yet this time it was a mixture of all of these reasons. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.. This was God whispering to my spirit letting me know you are not alone and this is not your final season. You may be in the valley, but it will not consume you. It will make you stretch and get you to your destiny… if you don’t give up. Your job, our job is to find the strength to continue while we are in the valley. And yes it’s hard as HELL, but His word is true. We all will walk through this valley at some point in our life, but the goal is not to give up. Take it minute by minute, moment by moment.
Remember to keep playing this game called life, even if you have to play hurt. It is all worth it in the end. Trust Him.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me PSALM 23:4
Courtesy of BibleHub
Valerie Lynn
Love YOU ALL..
In that moment all I wanted was something to make me feel good and for me that was my big bowl of yummy goodness. I finished and of course felt guilty…But something else came over me. The words, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Those words filled my soul, they filled my spirit and I cried. Cried tears of relief and tears of dare I say it, happiness. Isn’t it strange how tears come in all forms? They show up when you’re happy, sad, or just simply board. Yet this time it was a mixture of all of these reasons. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.. This was God whispering to my spirit letting me know you are not alone and this is not your final season. You may be in the valley, but it will not consume you. It will make you stretch and get you to your destiny… if you don’t give up. Your job, our job is to find the strength to continue while we are in the valley. And yes it’s hard as HELL, but His word is true. We all will walk through this valley at some point in our life, but the goal is not to give up. Take it minute by minute, moment by moment.
Remember to keep playing this game called life, even if you have to play hurt. It is all worth it in the end. Trust Him.
Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me PSALM 23:4
Courtesy of BibleHub
Valerie Lynn
Love YOU ALL..