Everyone has a unique, individual journey. Everyone has a path to take to become who or what the Creator deemed us to become. We all have different paths to take, different roads to maneuver and of course, many cross roads to choose. It just so happened that my journey was harder than I would have chosen, but in the end this journey took me places I thought I would never venture. It journeyed me through roads of loneliness, which at times had me wanting to end my life. It took me down the debilitating road of depression, where just brushing my teeth took all the strength I could muster. It also took me down the road of self- hate, where I blamed myself for all the wrong that had been dumped onto my lap; The road of self-hate where I believed I was not worthy of love, or to be loved. As I said before, this journey was a much harder path that I would have chosen. Nevertheless, is that not part of life? Finding out how strong you are in the midst of the storms. Is that not part of life? Falling down, just to get back up stronger than ever before…. What I know for sure is I am so much stronger than I used to be. My faith in GOD is definitely stronger and unbreakable. What I know for sure is that whatever the journey, know that in the end the sun will definitely shine.
To be continued…..#[email protected]#empowermentliving.net
To be continued…..#[email protected]#empowermentliving.net